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Specialized Magazine MAFEX Echoes CablesCom

2021-7-2 10549 Font size:

The Mafex corporate magazine of the Spanish Railway Association published two news reports about CablesCom recently.


CablesCom, 50 years connecting the world


CablesCom turns 50 this year. Our company was founded in 1971, and from our beginnings, the rail sector has been one of our main markets.


In 1992, we supplied the signalling and communications cables for the first Spanish high-speed line between Madrid and Seville. Since then, we have been growing and expanding our client portfolio both in Spain and in export markets, having achieved presence and approvals not only in the main European countries such as France, UK, Belgium and Romania, but also in other countries farther afield like Chile and Egypt.


In 2020, despite the international crisis that we all endured, CablesCom maintained its activity and supplied 2,660 km of signalling cables for different Spanish and European clients.


Today, our portfolio features a broad array of signalling and fibre-optic cables for railway infrastructures that comply with different client specifications, most notably the cables with “Reduction Factors” that minimize interference from catenaries, and a complete range of cables that meet CPR requirements for fire performance.


CablesCom releases fibre-optic cables with a high performance against fire: CPR B2ca - s1a, d0, a1


Since 2017, all cables permanently installed on construction sites within the European Union have had to comply with the Construction Products Regulation (CPR, 305/2011). This regulation means that suppliers have to ensure the quality of their products in terms of performance against fire, and makes possible the CE marking on the cables. Furthermore, the technical specification for interoperability related to safety in railway tunnels requires minimum compliance with class B2ca - s1a, d2, a1 for all cables installed in tunnels in the European territory.


In our commitment to guaranteeing the highest quality of its products, CablesCom, a leading manufacturer of signalling and telecommunications cables, has achieved certification for fibreoptic cables with Euroclass B2ca - s1a, d0, a1. These cables meet the requirements for installation in tunnels in the EU, with the maximum fire-safety guarantees.


This certification means that the fibre-optic cables have successfully passed the extreme tests that simulate fire situations, ensuring for example limited fire spreading, reduced heat emission and minimised opaque and toxic fume emission. All this, under the supervision of Notified Bodies that monitor compliance with current regulations and CablesCom's production processes.


 In order to serve the needs of all our customers, the B2ca - s1a, d0, a1 product range in CablesCom fibre-optic cables covers a wide range of fibre counts, from 4 to 288, with a design that facilitates cable installation via easy fibre-peeling.

“For us it has been an achievement that a specialized magazine in the sector echoes our successes and our journey as a company,” said Isabel Banzo, HR Director of CablesCom.

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