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Hengtong Attends MWC 2021

2021-6-28 10458 Font size:

From June 28th to July 1st, Hengtong attended the Mobile World Congress 2021 (MWC) in Barcelona Convention Center, Spain, with the products and solutions including FTTH, trans-oceanic communication system, ODN, silicon photonic products and 4G&5G integration and co-site.

The conference continues the theme of “Connected Impact” at MWC Shanghai in February 2021, providing a platform to bring all sectors of the industry together to further advance the mobile industry and society.

At its booth, Hengtong launches 5G series of special optical fiber, full series and full scene coverage of air-blowing micro cable, FTTX and FTTH flexible access products and system solutions, highlighting Hengtong's integration of 5G development.


At the exhibition, Hengtong focused on silicon photonic and "5G" concept products.

“In the pandemic, the demand for Internet education, medical care and office services has soared, making people around the world realize the demand for fast and high-quality networks. With unprecedented changes in a century, Hengtong has been committed to bringing more efficient communication system solutions to global customers through various technological iterative innovations,” said Lucus Zhuang, Director of Hengtong European Region.


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