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New Energy Automative Cables

HENGTONG Electric Power Industry Group based on the traditional automotive line, successfully development the cables and solutions for all types of new energy automotive cables, covering motor, battery, electronic control, charging pile, charging stations in various fields of applications and provide the charging station operation and maintenance se

Production Factory

  • SUS Tube Machine
    1+6 Cable forming machine
  • SUS Tube Machine
    90+45 Extrusion machine
  • SUS Tube Machine
    90+45 Extrusion machine

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In our country, wind resource energy ranks third in the world. The total reserves of 10m height wind resource is 3.226 billion KW, of which the actual development and utilization of wind energy resource reserves of 253 million KW. The major products include 35KV and below power cables,Wind Turbines Power Cable for transmission, torsion resistant Wind Turbine cables.

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