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Hengtong Participated in Formulating International Standard IEC 61196-1-105:2024

2024-7-17 4063 Font size:

The International Electrotechnical Commission officially released the International Standard IEC 61196-1-105:2024, which Jiangsu Hengtong Wire & Cable Technology Co. Ltd participated in formulating.

This standard, "Coaxial Communication Cables - Part 1-105 Electrical Test Methods - Test for Withstand Voltage of Cable Dielectric," extends the communication frequency band of coaxial communication cables from the previous 2.5GHz to 3.5GHz. This extension is necessary for 5G indoor wireless communication, and it provides the latest standards for the design, production, quality inspection, and related testing of coaxial communication cables in the new-generation information technology for their wide range of applications.


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